Ul. Jasna 7, 00-007 Warszawa +48 736 735 518
Mon. - Sun.: 10 - 22
Ul. Jasna 7, 00-007 Warszawa +48 736 735 518

It is hard to find anything better than a body-to-body massage at the Desert Rose massage parlor in Warsaw. Why? Well, it works great on the nervous system. It should be noted, however, that the effectiveness of the treatment depends primarily on direct nerve stimulation, therefore body-to-body massage should be performed only by experienced masseuses.

Do you know that….

Research has shown that body-to-body massage can effectively increase dopamine and serotonin levels, as well as reduce stress levels. What’s more? It has also been shown that this type of massage produces endorphins – the body’s natural painkiller.

Body to body massage – what effects will I get?

Body-to-body massage provided by our professional masseuses provides comprehensive results:

  • Helps you cope with insomnia and anxiety
  • Relaxes the muscles
  • Increases the secretion of endorphins
  • Significantly reduces root pressure caused by muscle tension
  • It stimulates the receptors that act on the nerves of pain sensation

Body-to-body massage has a relaxing and stimulating effect. It also helps to balance the autonomous system.

The impact of massage on specific parts of the body

The final result of the massage depends on the area undergoing the treatment. It looks like this:

  • Back, neck – massage restores balance and increases human vitality. It relieves stress on your shoulders, neck, and back, and is a great solution to relieve stress. It stimulates the points that make the body function more easily.
  • Head, face- increases blood flow in these places. When performed regularly, it significantly improves memory and concentration and eliminates headaches. It is worth adding that even one session in our massage parlor can effectively combat insomnia.
  • Feet – body-to-body massage stimulates the nerve pathways. It provides balance to the tense points of the body
  • Whole-body – regenerates cells and tissues, thus restoring the body’s ability to repair itself.

A body-to-body massage at Desert Rose is a very good choice! It corrects all deficiencies, both physical and emotional. After just a few visits, you will see amazing results – we cordially invite you!